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Good Turnout Despite the Weather at Annual Flyin Breakfast This Past Sunday Morning – VIDEO

The annual Brockville Flyin Breakfast was held this past Sunday at the Brockville Airport. – Hometown TV12 Photo

Tincap – It was a great turnout for breakfast on Sunday at the Brockville Flying Club’s annual Flyin Breakfast despite the weather and no aircraft flying in.

Held at the Brockville Tackaberry Thousand Islands Regional Airport, it is usually a time for those who drive to the airport to see a variety of aircraft if the weather cooperates.

The cloudy and rainy weather on Sunday morning put a damper on any aircraft flying into the airport.

Although there were no aircraft, 260 breakfasts were served during the morning.

The Brockville Flying Club each year invites private pilots from around the region and beyond to drop in for a hearty breakfast.

Video below:

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