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Canada’s National Horse…. Statue in the Works!

Morrisburg – If you haven’t heard, Canada’s National Horse – The Canadian, will soon be a life-size bronze statue at Upper Canada Village to be marvelled at by Canadians and people from around the globe, thanks to a passionate group of community volunteers who have partnered with St. Lawrence Parks Commission.

Canada’s Parliament passed a bill in 2002, establishing the Canadian Horse breed as Canada’s National Horse, recognizing the breed’s fine qualities and its contribution to Canadian history.

Following a kick-off fundraising campaign on September 11th at Upper Canada Village, almost 50% of the target goal has been achieved with all funds coming from the private sector.

The main source of funding is from donors who wish to be recognized on a bronze-tooled plaque. Several recognition categories are available, but space is limited;

Elite $100K – SOLD
Partner $20K
Associate $5K
Friends $1K & $2K

“This is a unique opportunity to have your name, family, or organization’s name perpetually displayed on a bronze-tooled plaque alongside this stunning statue of Canada’s National Horse, The Canadian, viewed by over 250,000 visitors a year,” says Don Cook, Co-Chair of the statue committee.

The committee welcomes donations of any amount, and donations of $50 or more are eligible for a tax receipt.

For more information and to donate please visit:

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