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Youth Opportunities in the Arts is Having a Logo Contest

Brockville – The Brockville Youth Opportunities in the Arts (YOA) is having a logo contest to find a new logo for the YOA.

The winning submission will receive $250.

Criteria for the logo include:

  • Use both their full name (Youth Opportunities in the Arts) and their acronym (YOA)
  • “Ages 10-35” on the logo
  • The logo will reflect the different aspects of the opportunities they provide, including singing, dancing, visual arts, and theatre performance.

The YOA is accepting submissions from those ages 10-35.

If you have any questions please email them to: YouthOpportunitiesInTheArts@gmail.com

Submissions can be made by photo to this email.

The deadline for logo submissions is June 21, 2024.

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