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Registration Now Open for 4th Annual Front of Yonge Paddle Poker Run in September

Registration is now open for the 4th annual Front of Yonge Paddle Poker Run being held on September 14th at Browns Bay. – (Dale Elliott, HometownTV12 File Photo)

Mallorytown – Registration is now open for the 4th annual Front of Yonge Paddle Poker Run being held on September 14th at Browns Bay.

To register please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/4th-annual-paddle-poker-run-tickets-945683854867

New this year is an open river swimmers event and intro to Kayak Safety Training Level 1.

This is not a race, but a fun paddle that all ages and abilities can enjoy. Each paddler will follow a route beginning at Brown’s Bay that includes at least five stops or checkpoints where they will draw a playing card. The best hands win.

Video news story from last year’s event below:

“In communities like Front of Yonge, we are so lucky to have the recreational opportunities offered by the St. Lawrence River. Paddling is a great example of active transportation and we welcome people from near and far to enjoy our community and the river in this third annual event,” said Township of Front of Yonge Mayor Roger Haley.

The Paddle Poker Run is an event that encourages people to get outside to celebrate and enjoy the St. Lawrence River. All river-appropriate paddle craft are welcome (kayak, canoe, etc.)

For more information please visit: https://mallorytown.ca/paddle-poker-run-september-14th

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