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Brockville City Council Highlights: Tuesday July 23, 2024

Brockville – Here are the highlights from the Brockville City Council meeting held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

Council Approves Funding Agreement for Canada Community-Building Fund

The Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly known as the Federal Gas Tax Fund) is a permanent source of federal funding for local infrastructure and is allocated to municipalities on a per-capita basis. In the past, this funding has been used to cover partial and full costs associated with such projects as the Brock Trail, the Railway Tunnel and the annual asphalt, concrete, paving and milling program. The scheduled allocation for 2024-2028 for the City ranges from $1.3 million to $1.5 million. Council approved the execution of the necessary funding agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) which is responsible for the administration of funding.

Condominium Conversions Approved for Various Locations

Applications for the conversion of apartment buildings located at 1-4 Balmoral Place, 4,6,8,10,12,14 and 16 Cartier Court and 1390, 1400 and 1410 Kensington Parkway to condominiums has been approved by Council. The decision followed a Public Meeting held in May and a recommendation report presented to the Planning and Development Committee on July 2, 2024. There are a number of conditions placed on the applicants as outlined in Report 2024-232 and the associated memo. The applicants have three years to comply with the conditions.

Festival and Events Coordinator

The establishment of a part-time 12-month contract Festival and Events Coordinator position was approved by Council. This position will be the lead staff person overseeing the 2025 Tall Ships Festival scheduled for June 19-21 and the associated Tall Ships Festival committee. The Festival and Events Coordinator will also act as the main point of contact to assist with the coordination of other events being held in the City.

Traffic Calming Planned for Swift Waters Elementary School

Several traffic calming measures have been approved in the area of Swift Waters Elementary School. The following five scopes of work were outlined in staff Report 2024-127 will be undertaken to improve student pedestrian safety on main routes:

  1. A Community Safety Zone is to be established on King Street West from Cedar Street to Centre Street with flashing signs and in-boulevard signage
  2. A standard three-coloured traffic light will be installed in place of the existing amber light and will function with the existing push button
  3. Existing crossing guards will be redistributed
  4. A ladder-style crosswalk will be painted at Church Street and Cedar Street, Pearl Street and Cedar Street and Baxter Drive at Centre Street
  5. “Children Playing” and “School Zone” signs will be installed along King Street, Cedar Street and Centre Street

It is anticipated that this work will be completed prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year.

Anchor to be on Display at Reynolds Park

Reynolds Park will have a new centrepiece in the coming months as Council has accepted a donation of an anchor dubbed “the twice stolen anchor” from Save Ontario Shipwrecks. The anchor is deemed an artifact under the classification and jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries that have approved the proposed use. The project will be of no cost to the City, except for staff assistance to transport and assist with placement of the anchor using City-owned machinery.

Protection for Tunnel Lights Approved

In May 2024, Council directed staff to seek solutions to protect railway tunnel light fixtures from overhead dripping groundwater as the source of damaging mineral deposits. At its recent meeting, Council approved the purchase and installation of a total of 225 guards at a cost of $20,550. The custom guards have been sourced by a local business, Kilmarnock Enterprises. It is anticipated that additional guards will be purchased and installed following the receipt and installation of new lights. See Report 2024-139 for more information.

Cash-In-Lieu of Parking for 36-46 King Street W. Deferred

Cash-in-lieu of parking may be required by the City when developments do not meet the required minimum parking requirements. With respect to the proposed development at 36-46 King Street W., a decision on cash-in-lieu of parking was deferred as it was understood that the developer was exploring alternate parking solutions. At the recent meeting, staff updated Council on the matter, noting that progress is being made towards a solution to the deficient parking for this development. The matter was again deferred to the August 27, 2024 Council meeting pending additional information from the developer.


  • Council acknowledged August 15, 2024, as India’s Independence Day and the Indian Flag will be flown at Tunnel Bay from August 12th to 16th.

Looking ahead:

  • Planning and Development Meeting TBD
  • General Committee Meeting August 13, 2024, 4:30 pm
  • Council Meeting August 27, 2024, 5:30 pm

For more information, contact the Clerk’s Department at clerk@brockville.com

Agendas and meeting minutes are available by clicking this link on brockville.com

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