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Fort Wellington Hosting Battle of the Windmill Reenactment This Weekend

Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site – (FilePhoto)

Prescott – Fort Wellington will be hosting a reenactment of the Battle of the Windmill at both Fort Wellington and the Battle of the Windmill national historic sites this weekend, August 24 & 25, 2024.

There will be demonstrations taking place throughout the weekend with battle reenactments happening at 2:00 pm on both days.

The event is being held at Fort Wellington National Historic Site on Saturday, August 24, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and on Sunday, August 25 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site.

Come out as they commemorate the Battle of the Windmill, originally fought in November 1838. Reenactors from the Canadian Fencibles will descend upon Fort Wellington and the Battle of the Windmill national historic sites as they reenact a pivotal event in the aftermath of the Upper Canada Rebellion.

After the 1837 Rebellions, many rebels fled to the United States where a few joined American sympathizers in a new attempt to overthrow British rule in Canada. On November 12, 1838, a group of rebels totalling 190 men, landed at Windmill Point and seized the windmill and nearby village.

The local community remained loyal to the Crown and reported to their militia units; in a few days some 2,000 militia and regular troops, supported by naval vessels, lay siege to the windmill and village. Although British guns did little damage to the windmill, the insurgents, seeing no escape, surrendered 3 days later.

You can learn more about the Battle of the Windmill at: https://parks.canada.ca/…/on/windmill/decouvrir-discover

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