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Nominate a Business for the Downtown Brockville BIA Awards

Brockville – We are excited to honour the outstanding businesses and individuals who have made significant contributions to our community at the Downtown Brockville BIA Awards Gala.

Help us choose a winner by nominating the business you think is most deserving of our awards. If you are a business owner make sure to share these links to your friends and family to vote for you!

The awards gala will feature the following prestigious awards:

*VOTING ENDS SEPTEMBER 25TH* *Nominees must be a part of the BIA*

  1. Community Spirit Award
    This award recognizes a business or individual who exemplifies the spirit of the Downtown Brockville community through outstanding support and promotion of community values and collaboration. (https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSd-Qmk…/viewform…)
  2. Rising Star Award
    Recognizes a new business (less than 2 years old) that has shown exceptional promise and growth potential. (https://forms.gle/nzK2nEg2qypSDCpm6)
  3. Retail Excellence Award
    Acknowledges a retail business that has shown outstanding performance, customer satisfaction, and innovation in the retail sector. (https://forms.gle/M1L5u7k4a6xFJRAX8)

Celebrate with us as we highlight the successes within our vibrant downtown community. Your nominations help us recognize those who truly make a difference! Check our Facebook Event for more information.

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