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Schools are Back in Session Starting this Week & Next

Brockville – It is that time of year again as kids in our region start back to school starting this week and next.

The first day of school for Ecoles Catholiques Centre East and Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO) is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27th.

The first day of school for the Upper Canada School Board (UCDSB) and Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) is next week on Tuesday, September 4th. St.Lawrence Academy in Prescott’s first day of school is September 5th.

Reminder drivers, watch for young people walking or biking to and from school, watch for and obey crossing guards, they are there to help protect kids and be prepared for those big yellow school buses to be making frequent stops.

Yellow flashing lights mean the bus is preparing to stop, red flashing lights and the “stop” arm mean you MUST stop.

Please remember to give school buses extra room on the roadway slow down and use extra caution when travelling through school zones

According to the OPP, passing a stopped school bus, with its red lights flashing, puts young lives at risk and means a fine of $400 to $2,000 and six demerit points for a first offence.

Parents, please remind your kids about safety rules when it comes to getting on and off buses, or to always use sidewalks and crosswalks if they are available.

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