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St. Lawrence College unveils Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Legacy Space on the Brockville and Cornwall Campuses

Brockville/Cornwall – St. Lawrence College (SLC) is pleased to announce the unveiling of a Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Legacy Space on its Brockville and Cornwall Campuses, on October 17 and 18 respectively. Last August, Legacy Space was unveiled on the Kingston campus, which was the first in a post-secondary institution in Ontario, and the first in the hometown of the late Gord Downie.

Legacy Spaces welcomes people to come together to talk about making positive changes in education, by learning, hearing, and telling their stories.

The Brockville and Cornwall SLC campuses will each feature distinct cultural items and teachings related to the area’s residential schools. These finished spaces will serve as unique and alternative learning areas for students, employees, and campus guests to learn from and engage with.

Sarah Midanik, President and CEO of the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund shared the following sentiments: “We are thrilled that SLC is opening its Legacy Spaces in Brockville and Cornwall and are also making each of their campuses part of the Legacy Schools program. Through this partnership, we hope to inspire students and faculty to take reconciliACTION in their classrooms and communities.”

“We are thrilled to be opening Legacy Spaces in Brockville and Cornwall, marking a significant step forward in our commitment to Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being (IWKB),” said Glenn Vollebregt, President and CEO. “These new spaces will offer valuable learning, reflection, and growth opportunities. This is a meaningful moment for SLC as build upon our space in Kingston and we work together to build a more inclusive community.”

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