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VIA Rail Passengers Stuck in Brockville on Monday after Mechanical Issues

One of VIA Rail’s new Siemens set, sitting in VIA Rail’s Chelsea Siding in Brockville on Tuesday morning after it broke down as VIA Rail #40 on Monday afternoon. – (Dale Elliott, Hometown TV12 Photo)

Brockville – Passengers on a VIA Rail train from Toronto to Ottawa were stranded north of Brockville on Monday after what VIA Rail said were “Mechanical Issues.”

Around 2:35 pm Monday, just north of Brockville on VIA Rail’s Brockville Sub, train #40 encountered ‘mechanical issues’ and was forced to stop. The train had 134 passengers on board and was scheduled to arrive in Ottawa at around 3:00 pm.

VIA Rail said they sent a second train, #42 to tow the disabled train, but they could not tow the disabled train.

“Via Rail proceeded with the safe evacuation of the train, supported by local authorities. Passengers were transported by bus and arrived at their final destination in Ottawa with a delay of more than 5 hours,” in a statement from VIA Rail.

The incident caused delays for three to five hours for other VIA Rail Trains, according to VIA Rail. They went on to say that the line was cleared around 8:20 pm Monday.

The disabled train is currently sitting in VIA Rail’s Chelsea Siding in Brockville.

“Via Rail sincerely regrets that this affected the travel plans of our passengers and apologized for any inconvenience.” said the statement.

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