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Man Arrested for Bail Violations & Mischief

Brockville – A 48-year-old man is facing charges for bail violations and mischief after Brockville Police received a 911 call on January 29th from a man reporting he had been attacked.

Police received the call around 2:30 pm on Wednesday with little information when the line disconnected.

They learned that the call had come from the Hampton Inn, on Crocker Cres. Police responded and an investigation revealed that a 48-year-old, man, was the caller to 911. He had been in a minor, physical altercation with his elderly father.

The male subject was upset over a separate altercation he had with his girlfriend. Police then learned that the male subject was on a release order with bail conditions and probation to abstain from communication or being around the female, due to a previous incident concerning her safety.

Police arrested the man and took him to the Brockville Police Station, where he was held for a bail hearing.

Officers stated that while in custody, the man continued to cause damage by breaking a light, spitting and marking the walls with blood.

He was charged with failing to comply with the release order, failing to comply with probation and mischief under $5,000.00.

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