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City of Brockville Significant Weather Event – Overnight Parking Prohibition

Brockville – An Overnight Parking Prohibition is in effect on all City of Brockville roadways overnight tonight.

The City of Brockville has declared a significant weather event due to heavy snowfall, as defined within the O. Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards.

Parking is prohibited on City streets each evening, 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Infractions of this ban may lead to parking tickets and towing.

Environment and Climate Change Canada advises postponing any non-essential travel until conditions improve. During significant weather events, motorists, pedestrians, and residents should exercise extra caution since the Municipality may not be able to meet its minimum maintenance standards for roads and sidewalks due to the heavy snowfall.

The declaration will not change how the municipality performs its winter maintenance operations, but it may take longer than usual for staff to restore roads and sidewalks to a state of repair. Snow removal priority will be given to arterial and collector roads. Public safety remains the municipality’s top priority.

Declaration of Significant Weather Event Due to Heavy Snowfall – https://brockville.com/…/winter-maintenance-control/

According to the Ontario Municipal Act, a municipality may declare a significant weather event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways under their authority. This declaration suspends the standard timelines required for municipalities to meet their winter maintenance objectives.

Significant Weather Events will be posted under this News section when they are declared. Declarations and updates on conditions can be emailed to you directly when Announced for those who subscribe to https://brockville.com/announcements

For more information about significant weather events, the City’s winter control operations page has more information by clicking this link: https://brockville.com/…/winter-maintenance-control/

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