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OPP: Major Winter Storm Approaching – Avoid Unnecessary Travel, Be Prepared If You Must be On The Road

Smiths Falls – With a major snowstorm moving in tonight, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) East Region wants drivers to plan ahead.

Postpone or cancel any non-essential travel plans starting tonight, until at least Thursday afternoon. Not only will this keep you and your passengers safe, it will also keep the roads clear for snow removal.

Driving conditions will deteriorate quickly with heavy and blowing snow.

If you do have to be on the roads:

  • Check 511on.ca or local media for road conditions or closures
  • Ensure your fuel tank is full, top up your windshield washer fluid and have an emergency travel kit (food, blanket, candle, extra cell phone battery) in case you are stranded or stuck.
  • Clear snow from your entire vehicle, including head and tail lights. Do a circle check of your vehicle whenever you stop as snow will accumulate and obscure your brake and tail lights
  • SLOW DOWN, leave extra space, keep your eyes on the road ahead
  • Make sure your full lighting system is on. Don’t assume that you will automatically have lights. Your lights can help to ensure other drivers can see you.

If you encounter a closed roadway, stay off. It may be impassable or the scene of a serious collision. Follow marked detours.

Do not pass an operation snow plow. They are working to make that road safer for you.

Please do not call 911 or other police phone lines to ask about road conditions. Those lines are needed for true emergency calls. Visit 511on.ca and follow @511ONEastern or @511Ontario for the latest road conditions and closures.

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