Hometown TV12 Brockville

Information Portal for Brockville & Surrounding Area

Brockville Mayor’s Corporate Clean-up Challenge April 25th

(HometownTV12 File Photo)

Brockville – The Brockville Mayor’s Corporate Clean-up Challenge is a request for help and a challenge to corporate and civic pride to all businesses and organizations in Brockville and the surrounding area!

On Saturday, April 26th, 2025 from 9 am to 12 noon is the Community-Wide Clean-Up where volunteers flood city green areas raking and bagging garbage, waste, leaves and recyclables.

In order for everyone to do their part, Friday, April 25th is the Mayor’s 20-minute Corporate Clean-Up Challenge. On that Friday businesses throughout Brockville are encouraged to spend some time outdoors cleaning up their property.

City Hall staff will be cleaning up the park and area surrounding the Victoria Hall building on Friday, April 25th at 11:30 am.

Join the Community Clean Up here.

“We look forward to seeing everyone at these events as we take care of our City!” – Mayor Matt Wren


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