Hometown TV12 Brockville

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Brockville Police: Significant Storm Resulted in Multiple Calls for Service

Brockville – Throughout the night of June 13-June 14, 2024, there was a windstorm causing various concerns for public safety. There were multiple reports of trees and wires down throughout the City.

At 11:00 pm, police received a report of a tree branch that had fallen in the area of Waverly Dr. and First Ave., blocking the roadway. Another motorist pulled over in an attempt to pull the branch off the roadway.

While doing so, in the poor conditions, another vehicle driving in the area did not see the branch or the individuals attempting to move it. That vehicle struck the branch, which in turn, struck one of the individuals moving the branch.

This resulted in non-life-threatening injuries however, it had a high potential for serious injury or worse. The driver of the vehicle was charged with failing to operate the vehicle according to driver’s licence conditions. This is a good reminder for everyone to be cautious when near the roadway and wear reflective or high visibility clothing in low light, and poor conditions.

Further, you can always contact the police to report these instances so roadways can be cleared by the proper agencies, safely.

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