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Brockville Police R.I.D.E. Program on June 29th removed Three Drivers from the Roads

Brockville – The Brockville Police Service conducted multiple R.I.D.E. programs in conjunction with MADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving) on Saturday, June 29th over the long weekend.

Police said that they “were successful in educating the public, along with removing three drivers from our roads, making our community a little safer.”

Here are some of the results from the R.I.D.E. program:

  • A 55-year-old, female was stopped and a roadside screening breath sample was taken in the area of King St. E. The test resulted in a fail, which, led to her being arrested. Further testing confirmed impairment and that she was operating over the legal limit. She was charged with operation while impaired and operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration over 80mg. Her vehicle was impounded, her driver’s licence was suspended and released with a future court date.
  • A 43-year-old, male was stopped and a roadside screening breath sample was taken in the area of Stewart Blvd. The test resulted in a fail and he was arrested. Further testing confirmed impairment and that he was driving while over the legal limit. He was also charged with operation while impaired and operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration over 80mg. His vehicle was impounded, his driver’s licence suspended and released with a future court date.
  • A 67-year-old, male was stopped in the area of King St. E. and a roadside breath sample was taken. This test resulted in a warning, which is when the sample taken is found to be in the range of 50mg to under 80mg of alcohol in one’s blood. This results in a three-day driver’s licence suspension along with reinstatement fees. The driver’s licence was suspended.

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