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City Police Investigating Robbery

Brockville – Brockville Police are investigating a robbery that occurred on July 13th before 7:15 pm, in the area of Park St.

Police say the investigation revealed that a victim was in the area of Cowen’s Dairy on Park St. when he was approached by an unknown male.

The unknown male asked to speak with him and then proceeded to push the victim to the ground, punch him several times and steal a carrying bag containing some personal hygiene products and a small amount of cash. The suspect then fled the area.

Police said that the victim received non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers were able to locate a person who was determined to be the suspect, in the nearby area. He was identified as a 27-year-old, male and placed under arrest.

Once the investigation was complete, he was charged with robbery and released on conditions with a future court date.

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