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Results for Local Athletes at the Royal Canadian Legion National Championships in Calgary This Past Weekend

Emma Morrow is the National Silver Medalist in the U18 2000m Steeplechase! – Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Brockville – Nineteen local Track & Field athletes from the Brockville Legion Track and Field Club were in Calgary, Alberta over the weekend for the Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships.

Here are the results from the weekend for the local athletes who participated.

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Emma Morrow is the National Silver Medalist in the U18 2000m Steeplechase! Amazing racing at the Legion Youth National Championships in Calgary!

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Congratulations to the men’s U18 4x100m on placing 11th in Canada at the National Championships! Well, run Jojo, Lucas, Jory and Roman!

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Leif Piatkowski placed 9th in the U18 high jump and 10th U18 Long Jump (with a new PB of 6.44) at the Royal Canadian Legion National Championships in Calgary this weekend.

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Rowan Dean raced to a 9th place finish in the U18 2000m Steeplechase in his first National Championships! Great job in a very tough race!

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Joesph Mboma ran new personal bests in both the 300m and the 200m at the National Championships to place 10th in the U16 300m and 19th in the U16 200m. He also ran great lead legs for the U18 4×100 and U18 4x400m relays. Amazing performances at the Championships!!

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

The U18 4×400 ran a time of 3:33.03 for 11th in Canada! This event includes both club and Provincial teams competing together and Brockville was the third club team across the line which is very impressive!!

Brockville Legion Track and Field Club Photo

Riley Dwyre continues his streak of incredible personal bests at the National Youth Championships in Calgary taking more than a second and a half off his time in the U16 200m Hurdles to place 6th in Canada!

Congratulations to all of the athletes.

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