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Brockville Tourism Submitting Bid for 2027 Ontario 55+ Summer Games

The City hosted the Canada 55+ Summer Games in 2010!

Brockville Tourism is submitting a bid for the 2027 Ontario 55+ Summer Games. Brockville hosted the Canada 55+ Summer Games in 2010. – (Dale Elliott, Hometown TV12/BrockNews File Photo from 2010)

Brockville – Following the successful hosting of previous Games in 2010, Brockville Tourism will be submitting a bid to host the 2027 Ontario 55+ Summer Games in the City.

These Games, open to all Ontario residents aged 55 and older, aim to foster a healthy lifestyle and offer a range of events that are inclusive of all abilities and genders.

Hosting the event is projected to generate a significant economic impact for Brockville as up to 1,400 participants and their families are expected to compete, stay and explore.

Brockville Tourism says that being an approved host will enhance Brockville’s reputation as a destination for major events and will attract more sports tourism in the future.

The city says that the results of the bid are expected to be announced in early 2025 and a planning committee will be established if the City is selected as the host.

Brockville hosted the Canada 55+ Summer Games in 2010 and the Ontario Senior Winter Games in 2007 & 2009.

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