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Ontario Funding $50,000 to Help Grenville OPP Expand its Video Surveillance Program

PRESCOTT — The Ontario government is investing $50,000 to help Grenville County OPP expand its video surveillance program and better protect the community against gun and gang violence.

The funding is being delivered through the Ontario Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program and can be used to replace outdated equipment, expand or enhance current technology and install new or additional CCTV surveillance cameras in areas where gun and gang violence, illegal drug activity and human trafficking are prevalent.

“I’m proud of the priority our government has placed on supporting safer streets and communities throughout Leeds and Grenville,” said Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. “This $50,000 CCTV grant will deter crime, support our Grenville County OPP and provide security for residents.”

Grenville County OPP is one of 24 police services across the province receiving funding with more than $2.8 million being allocated through the 2023-24 CCTV Grant program.

“Our government is taking action to keep Ontarians safe,” said Solicitor General Michael Kerzner. “CCTV surveillance systems are an important part of local police work to detect, prevent, and deter criminal activity. The systems also enhance police efforts to investigate crimes and provide evidence necessary to lay charges.”


  • The CCTV Grant was first introduced in 2020. Since that time, the Ontario government has allocated approximately $7.4 million in funding for surveillance systems to police services across the province.
  • The grant funding covers 50 percent of project costs up to a maximum of $200,000 for each successful project.
  • The Ontario government is investing $163 million to immediately strengthen the province’s efforts to fight crime including combatting bail non-compliance and auto thefts.

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