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19th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run Making Annual Stop in Brockville This Friday

The Run to Remember Started on Thursday Morning in Toronto!

From the 2022 National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run when it made a stop in Brockville last year. – Hometown TV12 File Photo

Brockville – The National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run will be making its annual stop in Brockville this Friday, September 22. The Run to Rember started out at the Ontario Police Memorial in Toronto with a ceremony at 8:00 a.m. Thursday morning

The run is to honour officers who have been killed in the line of duty. This year 11 officers will be honoured who have died in the line of duty in the last 12 months from police services across Canada.

The 460 km run ends in Ottawa on Saturday with the annual National Police Memorial Weekend being held at the National Police Memorial in Ottawa on Sunday, September 24.

They will be entering Brockville via County Road 2 West, runners will make their way to Court House Green arriving for a brief welcome ceremony at approximately between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m.

“Brockville has long been an overnight stopover on this important journey and we look forward to welcoming the officers once again,” said Brockville Mayor Matt Wren

“Everyone is welcome to help greet this amazing group running to honour fallen officers, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to their communities.”

The National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run was established in 2005 when the Peel Regional Police running team, The Pacers, decided to raise awareness of the annual Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Service held annually on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The running team wanted to create a way of raising awareness of the annual service and at the same time pay tribute to those officers who had so valiantly given their lives in service of their Community and Country.

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