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Unifor and SLSMC called back to the table on Friday, Oct. 27 to Resume Negotiations

Cornwall/Montreal – Both St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) and Unifor, the union representing seaway workers will be called back on Friday, October 27th by the Government of Canada’s Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services to resume negotiations.

“The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) continues to be extremely concerned with the impact the current strike by unionized employees is having on Canadian and U.S. supply chains and economies. It is receiving ongoing communication from various groups voicing their concern about delays in getting essential cargoes delivered.” said the SLSMC in a press release today.

They went on to say, “SLSMC management has been working since the outset of negotiations to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with its unionized employees, and is pleased with the planned resumption of talks with UNIFOR as of Friday morning, October 27th, as confirmed by the Government of Canada’s Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services.”

“Unifor will comply with the call to mediation and will continue to support our members on the picket line while talks take place. Our goal remains to achieve a fair and reasonable collective agreement for those who work along the St. Lawrence Seaway. We strive to also make sure our members, their rights and collective agreement are respected by the corporation.” Unifor said in a statement today.

Strike action by the UNIFOR locals started just after midnight on October 22nd. SLSMC said that later that day, the parties met individually with Federal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan and Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who urged them to return to the table.

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