Brockville – Police reports from the Brockville Police Service from March 6th to 10th, 2025.
Intimate Partner Violence
On March 6, 2025, at about 4:00 pm, police received a report in relation to a dispute between a couple at a residence on Fairknowe Drive.
Officers attended and an investigation revealed that the male and 25-year-old, female were involved in an argument. The argument escalated and the female struck the male in the head causing minor non-life-threatening, injuries.
It was also learned that she was on bail with conditions to abstain from communicating with the male victim.
The female subject was placed under arrest. She was charged with assault and failing to comply with the release order. She was held in custody for a bail hearing.
Impaired Driving
On March 9, 2025, at about 4:00 pm, police received a call regarding a possible impaired driver. Information was that a female driver was stuck in a snowbank on Cedar Street and appeared to have difficulty speaking.
Officers attended and located the 38-year-old, female, driver in the nearby area. A roadside breath test was administered, which resulted in a failure. The female was arrested and taken to the Brockville Police Service for additional testing. There, it was confirmed that she had been driving while impaired.
The vehicle was impounded, the driver’s licence was suspended and she was charged with impaired operation and impaired operation – blood alcohol concentration over 80mg. She was released with a future court date.
Probation and Bail Violations
Individuals failing to comply with their conditions imposed by our courts or officers upon release, continue to be a repetitive and significant problem. Whether conditions are part of a probationary sentence or are conditions of a bail release, these non-compliance charges continue to be among the highest amounts in which our service lays. Yesterday alone three people were charged with these offences.
Below are some of the details;
- 25-year-old, male located on King Street with a female he was on conditions to abstain from communicating with. He was on two different probation orders as a result of previous intimate partner violence-related incidents. He was held for bail on two counts of breaching probation.
- 22-year-old, female is on an undertaking with conditions to report to the Brockville Police Service, on certain specified dates. She has failed to comply and is now wanted.
- 38-year-old, male is also on an undertaking with a condition to report to the Brockville Police Service on specified dates and failed to do so. He was located at about 5:30 pm, yesterday and arrested. He was charged and issued a future court date fail to comply with the undertaking.
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