Hometown TV12 Brockville

Information Portal for Brockville & Surrounding Area

City of Brockville Street and Sidewalk Sweeping Begins Early This Year

Brockville – Spring sweeping operations typically begin every spring between April and May, weather permitting. This year, the City of Brockville crews are getting a jump on it. Arterial roads are swept first, followed by collector roads, and then residential streets.

Please keep your vehicle off the streets during this time to allow the sweepers to make their rounds in the city. We appreciate your patience while we begin an early spring clean-up as conditions and weather permit.

Street sweeping protects Brockville’s water quality and the environment by keeping sand, salt and debris out of Brockville’s ponds, rivers and streams. It also keeps storm drains clear so rain and melted snow have somewhere to go.

To report debris or a spill on your street (gravel, manure, garbage, etc.) please fill out this simple road debris reporting form.

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