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City Police Arrest Suspect for Numerous Charges

Brockville – Brockville Police arrested a 31-year-old man from Cornwall for mischief on Monday, March 24th and found out he was responsible for other incidents.

Police say around 7:00 am on Monday, they received information that a male suspect had thrown a rock through the window at Parkedale Ave. Tim Hortons, earlier that morning.

Around 11:00 am, staff from Tim Hortons reported that the same male suspect had returned and was sleeping at a table.

Police responded and arrested the man for the damaged window, and he was identified as a male from Cornwall. The suspect was found to have warrants for his arrest in relation to incidents in the Cornwall area.

When police searched the suspect, he was found to be in possession of a butterfly knife and also on probation with conditions.

A further investigation identified that he was responsible for attempting to steal a transport truck from Wills Transfer Limited earlier the same morning. The truck had been entered and put into motion, eventually getting stuck on the property before he had the chance to enter the roadway, police said.

The man was held for a bail hearing for the offences of theft of a motor vehicle, possession of a prohibited weapon, possession of a weapon contrary to prohibition, mischief under $5000.00 and two counts of failing to comply with probation.

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