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Ride the River Shatters Expectations, Raises $2 Million for Brockville General Hospital MRI

From left to right: Nick Vlacholias, BGH President and CEO; Emily Maskell, BDHF Events Coordinator; Jim Cooper, BGH Board Chair; Dawn Tymianski, BDHF Board Chair and Your Health Your Hospital Co-Chair; Linda Hansen, BDHF Past Chair; Scott MacCrimmon, Your Health Your Hospital Co-Chair; and Bob Clark, Ride the River Co-Chair, gather at ParkStor to announce the grand total of $2 million raised in support of Ride the River. This event was held on Sunday, June 25th, 2023. – Submitted Photo

Rockport – In a stunning display of generosity, Ride the River, the cycling fundraising event, has exceeded all expectations by raising over $2 million for a much-needed MRI at Brockville General Hospital.

With a lofty goal of $1 million, this community-driven initiative gained unprecedented momentum as donations poured in from individuals, service clubs, and organizations. The remarkable support was further amplified by an anonymous donor who pledged to match funds up to $1 million, inspiring even greater contributions.

Just days before the event's culmination, a jaw-dropping $500,000 donation propelled the total to the milestone. And to the amazement of all, the anonymous donor matched the new total, raising the grand sum to a remarkable $2 million. Such extraordinary generosity showcases the incredible spirit of our community!

For more information regarding this successful event, please contact Joan Simon at 613-345-4478.

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